How to Reach Conqueror in Season 20 in PUBG Mobile - Ace Pakistani

 How to Reach Conqueror in Season 20 in PUBG Mobile:

PUBG Mobile is a Mobile game that is famous worldwide. Millions of players play this game on a daily basis. It is a Multiplayer game where 100(except Livik it has a 52 player limit) players land on one of five Maps (Erangle, Sanhok, Vikendi, Miramar, and Livik) at a time and the last one survives called Winner. #WinnerWinnerChickenDinner. PUBG Mobile rank all the players in the Following Category:

  • Bronze

  • Silver

  • Gold

  • Platinum

  • Diamond

  • Crown

  • Ace

  • Conqueror

Each Rank has 5 stages from Bronze 5 to Bronze 1. When a player reaches higher a rank he is promoted to the next level. When a Player reaches Ace and is among the top 500 players it gets promoted to Conqueror Level(The Highest one).

How to Reach Conqueror in Season 20:

As every fan of PUBG Mobile knows, Season 18 is on its way. Season 18 will start on Friday 22nd March of 2021. Every Player will try to get Conqueror this season also like they did in the last seasons. But I have some Easy tricks and tips to easily conqueror tier the first week of Season 20 easily.

Choose a Server:

If you have good ping in servers like North America, South America, and KRJP(Korea and Japan). You should Push you to the conqueror in these servers. Because only a few players don't have ping issues in these servers. So it's easy to rank among the top 500 players on these servers.

Game Mode:

Everybody try to push in Squads. So it becomes difficult to rank among the top 500 players. So you should push in Duo or Solo. Solo can be boring for you. So push with only one friend I mean in Duo game Mode.

Map to Play:

You should play in Miramar. Because most players play in Erangle and only a few players play other maps. There is less chance of getting killed by a Pro Player in the early stage that will save you from a huge minus. And one plus point is also that it rewards good points in the end like Erangle.

Game Strategy:

You should not land on a hot drop like Pochinki, George Pool, or Novorepnoye in Erangle. You should land on a place where most players don't land, like Gatka, Kameshki, Zharki in Erangle. And don’t take intense fights at the start. First, secure your position in the Top 20 at least then kill some enemies and try to secure Chicken Dinner.

Plus Tip and important one:

If you don’t have good ping in servers i.e, KRJP, South America, North America. You should switch to FPP from TPPand choose a server from Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. As 90 percent of players play on TPP mode. So this will easily rank among 500 Players in the servers.

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