Fostering China-Pakistan Community with a Shared Future

Fostering China-Pakistan Community with a Shared Future

On May 21 this year, Chinese President Xi Jinping traded a celebratory message with Pakistani President Arif Alvi to commend the 70th commemoration of the foundation of China-Pakistan strategic relations. The two heads of state explored how shared trust and companionship between the two nations have withstood the trial of the changing global scene in recent years and consistently remained unshakable, hailed the wonderful accomplishment achieved by the development of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), and clarified the meaning of all-climate vital organization of collaboration between the two countries. 

President Xi added, "I might want to work with you to extend vital correspondence and down-to-earth collaboration between the two nations, and advance the excellent improvement of CPEC". 

This has provided guidance and energy to the CPEC development in the new time, and helped our trust in incorporating CPEC into a model for excellent improvement of the Belt and Road Initiative and encouraging a nearer China-Pakistan people group with a common future. 

1. Common trust and companionship between the different sides are unshakable. 

In his message, President Xi brought up that the two nations, as all-climate vital agreeable accomplices, have expanded each other ardent help over issues concerning our center advantages and significant concerns; our common trust and fellowship have consistently been unshakable regardless of changes in the global circumstance in the course of recent many years. In the course of recent years, the two nations have consistently trusted and upheld each other with genuine compassion, and stood together through various challenges, with reciprocal bonds and companionship developing ever more profound and further as time passes by.

China and Pakistan have manufactured a one-of-a-kind and ironclad harmony from the beginning of time. More than 2,000 years prior, the Silk Road turned into a scaffold of kinship connecting our two antiquated developments. 

On old occasions, Zhang Qian, China's messenger in the Han Dynasty, Faxian, the expert priest in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and Xuan Zang, the incredible priest in the Tang Dynasty all once visited the Indus River. 

On May 21, 1951, China set up discretionary binds with Pakistan. Pakistan is one of the principal nations to perceive the People's Republic of China and the primary Islamic nation to set up strategic relations with the PRC. 

On April 21, 2015, during his first visit to Pakistan, President Xi Jinping inspected the respective history in his discourse, "since the foundation of our conciliatory ties, on account of the responsibility of progressive Chinese and Pakistani pioneers and the coordinated endeavors of our two people groups, our two nations have produced an all-climate vital helpful association and sought after all-round collaboration. Regardless of changes in the homegrown and global climate, we have consistently stretched out compassion to and upheld each other on issues urgent to our center interests. Such fellowship is genuinely exceptional." Over the beyond 70 years, China and Pakistan have trusted, regarded, and upheld each other through various challenges, and together settled an all-climate key agreeable association. The ironclad bond is distinctively exemplified by the activities of the administrations and individuals. President Arif Alvi communicated in his message that, "Under the solid administration of President Xi, Pakistan-China relations are more grounded, more strong, and more dynamic than any other time." 

As of now, CPEC, with huge advancement, has raised our ironclad respective relations. Dispatched in 2013, CPEC is presently a leader venture of the Belt and Road Initiative. Six years prior, President Xi Jinping clarified that "the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is a point of convergence of our joint endeavors to accomplish normal turn of events, and we should utilize this monetary hallway to drive our reasonable collaboration." 

In 2015, the "1+4" collaboration structure was related to the financial passage in the middle and the Gwadar Port, Energy, Infrastructure, and Industrial Cooperation being the four key regions. In the beyond eight years, CPEC has seen productive outcomes. China has been Pakistan's biggest exchange accomplice for six continuous years and its biggest wellspring of venture for seven successive years. CPEC has brought a $25.4 billion direct venture to Pakistan in collective terms and made very nearly 75,000 positions in Pakistan. 

Specifically, in face of the unexpected episode of the COVID-19 pandemic, China and Pakistan have been cooperating to beat challenges and further overhauled the ironclad fellowship. 

Pushing ahead, the two sides will mutually assemble a significantly closer China-Pakistan people group with a common future to support the two nations and individuals. The companionship between China and Pakistan depends on true trust and common help through both great and tough situations, an illustration of friendly relations between nations. The Pakistani public calls are China-Pakistan kinship higher than the mountain, more profound than the ocean, and better than nectar. What's more, we Chinese affectionately allude to Pakistani individuals as our old buddies, great neighbors, great accomplices, and great siblings. To extend China-Pakistan relations is a notable decision made by the two nations to arrange amid trouble and to look for the normal turn of events when changes and the pandemic inconspicuous in a century interlaced and brought the world into a period of complicated advances. Pursuing the direction of the occasion, President Xi farsightedly set forward the eager objective to assemble a nearer China-Pakistan people group with a common future in the new time. Under this vision, we will move forward in building a China-Pakistan people group with a common future. 

2. The advancement of CPEC has accomplished surprising outcomes. 

President Xi Jinping expressed in his message that as of late, with joint endeavors of the two sides, the development of CPEC has accomplished exceptional outcomes, carrying significant advantages to the two people groups and adding solid force to provincial thriving. CPEC is a spearheading undertaking of the Belt and Road Initiative. Following up on the standard of broad counsel, joint commitment, and shared advantages, the different sides framed a "1+4" participation structure inside a brief time frame. However numerous unfamiliar financial backers stopped their ventures and hauled capital out of Pakistan because of extreme shock, CPEC has been continuing uninterruptedly, without any Pakistani positions cut and no Chinese staff removed. Such activities win the hearts of our Iron Brothers and make CPEC an expressive task for the top-notch advancement of the Belt and Road Initiative. 

The joint advancement of the Gwadar Port has gained huge headway. Laborers from the two nations work dedicatedly and devotedly at the Gwadar Port, at Gwadar International Airport, at China-Pakistan Friendship Hospital, at Professional Training Center, and East Bay Expressway.

In 2017, Fraternity Emergency Care Center was finished; in 2018, 300,000 gallons of desalinated water was given to residents in Gwadar consistently; in 2019, Pak-China Faqeer Colony School was placed into activity; in 2020, 80,000 square meters of green spaces were constructed. Today, the Gwadar Port is completely usable. The Gwadar Free Trade Zone, liberated from obligation for a very long time as indicated by the law, has been more alluring for financial backers and pulled in various top-notch ventures settling there. Its Afghanistan travel exchange business has been approved and done in a precise way. That load of endeavors is making the Gwadar Port consistently become a coordination center and a mechanical base. 

Energy projects have seen outstanding outcomes. Force plants in Sahiwal and Port Qasim kept up with typical creation despite hardships brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, representing 33% of Pakistan's power age, which has moderated the nation's force shortfall and added to Pakistan's monetary and social turn of events. The 4000 MW HVDC Matiari-Lahore Transmission Line has been placed into activity. The Karot Hydropower Project and Suki Kinari Hydropower Project are as yet under development and gaining consistent headway. Kohala, Patan, and other hydropower projects have consented to control buy arrangements. 

The framework is assuming a pivotal part. Karakoram Highway Phase II (Havelian-Thakot segment), the "China-Pakistan Friendship Road", was finished and opened to traffic before the finish of July 2020, shortening the five-and-a-half-hour drive to under two hours. Lahore Orange Line Metro, Pakistan's first metropolitan rail travel, has been finished and opened for business activity. The Peshawar-Karachi Motorway (Sukkur-Multan segment), the biggest transportation framework project along the passageway, has additionally been finished and open to traffic. Like the Karakorum Highway, the way of customary companionship between China and Pakistan will undoubtedly be widened. The fulfillment of these three significant transportation projects has won wide approval from all areas of Pakistan. 

Mechanical collaboration observes another forward leap. The Rashakai Special Economic Zone (SEZ), a milestone in the hallway's modern participation, has held a starting service, with consistent works in foundation improvement and business fascination. The Chinese-subsidized endeavors in the Allama Iqbal (M-3) SEZ has been delivering defensive clothing and different supplies to offer help to Pakistan in its battle against the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Project of China-Pakistan Cross-Border Optical Cables has been finished and conveyed for activity. Under the structure of the passage's farming participation, China has given an enormous number of provisions to assist Pakistan with controlling the invasion of insects. 

The superb exhibition of CPEC during the COVID-19 pandemic has emphatically helped Pakistan's trust in financial recuperation and distinctively deciphered the importance of the China-Pakistan all-climate vital organization of participation. CPEC has turned into a model of fruitful coordination of scourge counteraction and creation among the BR activities of a kind and introduced to the world the solid imperativeness of the BRI. 

3. Advance the High-Quality Development of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor 

The tenth Joint Cooperation Committee Meeting on CPEC was effectively hung on September 23, 2021. The development of CPEC has entered another phase of advancement. To truly execute the significant directions of the two heads of state on the event of the 70th commemoration of our discretionary, we will zero in on the "1+4" participation design to advance the top-notch activity of CPEC, incorporate it into a model task for the great BRI improvement, and make a nearer China-Pakistan people group with a common future in the new time.

We are focused on building a solid hall. In the continuous battle against COVID-19, wellbeing is the establishment of the hall. The two governments and their kin have been helping each other to go through this troublesome time despite the pandemic. In the joint creation of COVID-19 antibodies, the Pakistan National Institute of Health has effectively delivered the immunizations with the assistance of China's CanSino Biologics Inc. We will keep on putting individuals and their lives first, give more help with antibodies and other pandemic counteraction supplies, and grow collaboration in the fields of the anticipation and control of irresistible illnesses, general well-being, and conventional medication. Along these lines, we can secure individuals' lives and well-being, and assemble a nearer association for participation in the health area.

We are focused on building a mechanical hall. Mechanical participation is the first concern of the "1+4" collaboration structure and is fundamental for improving the usefulness of Pakistan. Industrialization is significant for such a country with more than 200 million individuals. Pakistan, presently at the beginning phase of industrialization, flaunts a colossal market with amazing chances. We will energize and uphold more Chinese ventures, particularly fabricating undertakings, to make interests in Pakistan, help work, acquire unfamiliar trade through sends out, create charge income and advance innovative advancement, with an end goal to accelerate incorporating CPEC into a modern hall. 

We are focused on building an exchange hallway. Exchange fortifies the hall and supports its success. After the convention of the second period of the China-Pakistan FTA came into power on 1 January 2020, exchange advancement has been altogether advanced. As per the Ministry of Commerce of the PRC, China imported $2.12 billion worth of merchandise from Pakistan in 2020, up by 17.5% year-on-year. We will finish unhampered exchange and advance the progression and assistance of exchange and venture, by reducing the expense of exchange and speculation and broadening imports from Pakistan to propel a decent global exchange and construct a nearer exchange association. 

We are focused on building an advanced hall. Digitization is the pattern of the occasions. We will take advantage of the recorded lucky breaks in a new round of logical and innovative unrest and mechanical change, support the computerized economy, and move forward with trades and participation in advanced advances. Moreover, we will upgrade new foundations, portable installment, online business organizations, keen frameworks, brilliant plants, and computerized TV to fabricate an advanced hallway and make it a model of the Digital Silk Road. 

We are focused on building a green hallway. We will together promote the idea of "green mountains are brilliant mountains" by fortifying collaboration on green foundations, environmentally friendly power energy, green money, green horticulture, green woodlands, green speculation, and global low-carbon reusing parks. In this manner, we will make green a characterizing element of CPEC, improve a nearer organization for the green turn of events, and fabricate a low-carbon hallway between China and Pakistan.

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